Cosmic Earth Galactic Shamanism

A 6 Week Course into Sirius, The Mermaids and the Secrets of the Ocean.








Shamanism from the Earth & The Stars


Embark on a transformative journey to uncover the hidden mysteries of Gaia. Delve into the ancient wisdom held by animals, the elemental forces, the medicine teachers, and galatics to unlock the mysteries of Gaia and gain awarenesses to connect more deeply to the world around us.

The Cosmic Earth course is the gateway to open the multi-dimensionality of our planet and fuse the Galactic Star Wisdom with the Ancient Shamanic Teachings to open us up into a harmonized perspective.

This course is for you if you have a connection to both the Earth & the Stars, seek to learn about the Earth Portals, Ley Lines, Magic of Earth and are seeking a unified spirituality that can serve your soul and earth mission to utilize all energy available.

Our 8 week course will be a deep journey of empowerment into multi-dimensional magic of GAIA
Enter the Cosmic Earth

A deep soul journey to the Spirits of the Land, The Sacred Sites & Star Wisdom.

Enter the Cosmic Earth

Activate into the Oceanic Mystery School

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Guided Meditations

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Sacred Remembrance

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Lifetime Access

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Sign Up Today

What Others
Have Experienced

"Sage divine manifestation Sacred Geometry energy healing goddess crystals meditate harmonic lavender spirit guides compassion full moon manifestations."

Lara Swanson

"Buddha fibonacci angels, stones spiritual healing massage peace chakra clearing chakras tarot card readings. Candles charms love compassion Flower of Life."

Julia Waldorf

Acesss your Ancient Future Self

1 Payment of


Paid In Full

  • Connect to your Priestess Memories
  • Learn the Wisdom of Sirius Star System
  • Actvate your Mermaid & Merman Codes
  • Over 20+ Hours of Video Content
Sign Up Today

Included with This Course Are These Amazing Bonuses!

Dolphins & Whales Conference

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Sirius StarSeed Conference

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia.

Sign Up Today

Your Course Guides


Flo Karuna

Galactic Oracle & Guide

 Flo Karuna is the founder of Star Codes, IG page StarSeed.Codes and a cosmic ambassador for sacred knowledge. He has travelled the 4 corners of earth visiting Sacred Sites and obtaining transmissions in many locations from Canada to Tibet. 

Although he is a man in this incarnation, he has a strong connection to the Ancient Priestess Lineages from Atlantis and Lemuria and is the optimal guide for this course.

 Gifted with ability to sense the subtle spiritual realms and recieve advanced Akashic Memories, he has been anchored onto planet earth to serve as your guide, friend, and activator to the sacred codes and mastery you hold within yourself and in our planet.  He has been referred to as a channel for Earth Consciousness and is passionate about sharing the new offerings that Unify the planet for the next 7 generations and beyond.

He is the creator of the. Pleiadian Oracle Deck, Lyran Oracle Deck, Masters of Light Ascended Group Board-game & the 7 Starseed Activation course on

His life has been dedicated to empowering others, the Teachings of Mother Earth, and connecting others to the Galactic Realms.



Additional Testimonials

"Sage divine manifestation Sacred Geometry energy healing goddess crystals meditate harmonic lavender spirit guides compassion full moon manifestations."

Dina Leone

"Buddha fibonacci angels, stones spiritual healing massage peace chakra clearing chakras tarot card readings. Candles charms love compassion Flower of Life."

Anna Finley

"Sage divine manifestation Sacred Geometry energy healing goddess crystals meditate harmonic lavender spirit guides compassion full moon manifestations."

Genevieve MacLean

"Buddha fibonacci angels, stones spiritual healing massage peace chakra clearing chakras tarot card readings. Candles charms love compassion Flower of Life."

August Redwood

Frequently Asked Questions